Öğrencilerimizin kültürler arası farkları tanıması, farklı deneyinler edinebilmesi ve İngilizce dil gelişimlerinin ilerlemesi için yapılmış bir projemizdir.
( Türkiye -Bosna-İtalya)
Bu proje ile öğrencilerimiz İtalya ve Bosna ile aramızdaki kültürel farklılıklar ve benzerlikler hakkında bilgi sahibi oldular.İlk etkinlik olarak kendilerini tanıtan mailler attılar ve aldılar.İkinci olarak İtalya'daki arkadaşları için ülkemizin tarihi ve turistik yerlerini de tanıtan Yeni Yıl kartları hazırladılar.Aynı şekilde İtalya'daki arkadaşları da onlar için Yeni yıl kartları hazırladılar ve yolladılar.Üçüncü olarak da geleneksel yemeğimiz olan ''Sarma'' ile yemek düellomuzu başlattık ve sarma videomuzu onlarla paylaştık.İtalya da geleneksel lezzeti olan ''Pizza'' yapım videosunu bizimle paylaştı.Bosna için öğrencilerimiz Nazilli'yi tanıtan bir video çektiler.Öğrencilerimiz bu video ile kendilerini ve kültürlerini tanıtırken ikinci dilleri olan İngilizceyi daha etkili kullanabildiler,planlama,organize olma ve sorumluluklarını yerine getirme bilinci edindiler.Ayrıca kültürlerini başka ülkelerle paylaşabilmenin mutluluğunu yaşadılar.
The students will be able to find out their cultures and different culture of Italy with this project.They will be able to improve their English as a second language using the common holidays in different culture and sharing national holidays and other important traditional days and customs in our culture.The students will also have the responsibility of planning, organizing,doing their duties on time correctly and success it on their own.Because,education is not only getting information,but also applying information in to life.
Activity 1.Exchanging 1st mails introducing yourself(you and your family,hobbies interests,likes,free time activities,hometown...etc.)
Activity 2:Happy New Year activities(exchanging New Year postcards,sharing New Year activities in two different culture)
Activity 3:National Holidays in Turkiye and asking their holidays
Activity 4:Sharing traditional customs,food,folk dances and supersititions
Activity 5:Education and the social activities at school
The month of April
It is almost Easter time and National Holiday for us. Why not telling our partners about our local traditions? It is not only a religious feast but carries also a lot of local folklore. We are curious to discover what Easter means for our Turkish friends, how they celebrate it, what they eat and what they do with their families on Easter Sunday.
A great deal of material will be produced: videos, posters, tales, pictures and much more. Our aim? Celebrating Easter all together in the future!
21st February
Today our students have made pizza! It's been a joyful morning, eveybody has cooperated to present our traditional food in the best way ever! We've filmed the whole procedure and made into a nice video video with lots of hilariuos bloopers!
25th January-25th February
We have started our second project "national traditions"starting cooking our traditional food "stuffed grape leaves".We prepared all ingredients and made it in the classroom and introduced its preparations and students' effort on it in a funny video and ppt presentation.They all enjoyed especially while they were eating it.It was really delicious.
5th-20th December 2016
We prepared our New Year postcards which includes Turkiye's touristic and historical places pictures,wrote our best wishes for our partners in Italy and sent our postcards with little souvenirs.We hope our pack will be there soon.
24th January-24th February
Food challenge
It's cooking time! We've decided to explore our national traditions starting with food.
Italian students are learning about the origins of our most beloved meal: pizza.
Thanks to a ppt presentation they'll be sharing what they've learnt with their partners and eventually put it into practice, making pizza. They'll be filmed and present the whole procedure in a funny video. The point is: will have they been good enough as to explain how to make pizza? Stay tuned!
10th-21st December 2017
Our students are sharing Xmas wishes made by themselves.
They googled and looked for creative ways of wishing Merry Xmas to their partners abroad.
The idea was to craete some 'living' material and paper memories of this time of year.
Zafer Mahallesi 76. Sokak No 24A Nazilli/ AYDIN